
John Weeks discusses various aspects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) relative to chiropractic and patients.

Why you should watch

To gain a better understanding of the ACA and its overall impact on alternative healthcare.


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John Weeks is the Executive Director of the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care (ACCAHC). He is an author, organizer, executive and consultant in the field of integrated health care with more than two decades of experience.

Weeks publishes the Integrator Blog News & Reports, the mission of which is to link leaders of integrative healthcare organizations and businesses together on key policy, economic and academic issues. He has been granted honorary doctorates from Bastyr University, National University of Health Sciences, and Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

The Octagon

The Octagon at Life University was created to foster dialogue and exchange on important social, political and conceptual issues based on Life University’s Eight Core Proficiencies. The Octagon creates an environment where questions and issues from every avenue of life can be embraced, discussed, debated and acted upon. As with most things in life it is not constrained by a lack of desire or need but only by limited human and financial resources. It is the intention of the University’s president, Dr. Guy Riekeman, for the Octagon to tackle important and controversial matters that will have long range impact and the potential for application in other fields. The Octagon does not seek to be reckless in its work but it does seek to be fearless in its charge, prepared to confront matters that frustrate society in a meaningful way. The Octagon can best be described as a think tank to promote world changing discussion related to healthcare and the human condition.